The Yale Law Journal

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Masthead: Volume 100

The Yale Law Journal - Masthead: Volume 100 Volume 100 Masthead

The Nineteenth Amendment at 100

The Yale Law Journal - The Nineteenth Amendment at 100 Collection The Nineteenth Amendment at 100 The Nineteenth Amendment’s ratification in 1920

100 Million Unnecessary Returns: A Fresh Start for the U.S. Tax System

Yale Law Journal - 100 Million Unnecessary Returns: A Fresh Start for the U.S. Tax System 100 Million Unnecessary Returns: A Fresh Start for the U.S. Tax System

The Progressive Era, 100 Years Later

The Yale Law Journal - The Progressive Era, 100 Years Later Forum The Progressive Era, 100 Years Later One hundred years ago, Warren Harding’s

Forum: The Long Tail of Legal Scholarship

sales (and usually 100 percent of its profits). The long tail emerges in markets where technology dramatically reduces the costs of reaching niches

Forum: Implementing Aggregation in Law: The Median Outcome Rule

defendant: claim A, for $200, and claim B, for $100. Each claim has a 40% probability of being valid. In practice, courts evaluate each claim without

Forum: Off-Contract Harms: The Real Effect of Liberal Rescission Rights on Contract Price

suit at $1000 and $50 for the one who valued it at $500. After all, a flat $100 drop would not be possible for the consumer who values the suit at less

Forum: Conditional Taxation and the Constitutionality of Health Care Reform

and taxing regimes. For instance, suppose we want to offer a $100 incentive to encourage production of widgets to a citizenry of two, A and B. We can

Forum: The Jurisdictional Question in Hobby Lobby

health insurance to provide coverage for all FDA-approved contraceptives. Employers who fail to provide such coverage must pay $100 per employee per

Forum: The Rise and Fall of Administrative Closure in Immigration Courts

Nation’s Immigration Courts, supra note 100, at 1. See Press Release, Am. Immigration Lawyers Ass’n, Immigration Judges Spotlight DOJ Hijacking of Co