The Yale Law Journal

Results for ' 2557'

Forum: Federalism and the End of Obamacare

note 10, at 2557-58 n.54; see also Super, supra note 73, at 710-11. Super’s point is well-taken, but adding strings to federal money can create its own

Agency Enforcement of Spending Clause Statutes: A Defense of the Funding Cut-Off

Stores, Inc. v. Dukes, 131 S. Ct. 2541, 2551-52, 2557 (2011) (restricting standards for certifying a class for class action litigation). For example

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Financial Regulation: Case Studies and Implications

Stock Market, 63 J. Fin. 2557 (2008). See also Emilia Bonaccorsi di Patti, Weak Institutions and Credit Availability: The Impact of Crime on Bank

Forum: Judging Debt: How Judges’ Practices in Consumer-Credit Court Undermine Procedural Justice

Nat’l Ctr. for St. Cts. (2016), data/assets/pdf file/0027/25578/meeting-the-challenges.pdf