The Yale Law Journal

Results for '2026'

News: Announcing the Seventh Annual Student Essay Competition

competition is open to all current law students and recent law school graduates (JDs and LLMs from the Classes of 2019-2026) from any ABA-accredited law

Forum: International Cooperation and the 2017 Tax Act

2026) for foreign-derived intangible income (FDII). The TCJA’s dual rate structure for corporations’ U.S. income is achieved through a deduction equal

The Antibody Patent Paradox

amount projected to almost double by 2026. Consequently, patents covering antibodies are among the most valuable in the patent system. But antibody

Forum: Abandoning Objective Indicia

‘entitled to great weight,’ is not itself determinative of whether a punishment is cruel and unusual,” Graham, 130 S. Ct. at 2026 (quoting Kennedy

Forum: Data Laws at Work

monitoring—including software that sets wages, evaluates, and disciplines workers—must develop a risk-management system by August 2026, when the

Forum: Reading the ACA’s Findings: Textualism, Severability and the ACA’s Return to the Court

; Brief for the Federal Re… Options for Reducing the Deficit: 2017 to 2026, Cong. Budget Off. 237 (Dec. 2016) https://www.cbo.… Rachel Fehr, Daniel

Forum: Losing the War of Attrition: Mobility, Chronic Decline, and Infrastructure

—changes that will cost the region between two and three billion dollars through the year 2026. Yet water rates in the Pittsburgh area, like those in four

Forum: The Ideological Roots of America’s Market Power Problem

Yale L.J. 2026 (2018). See Hovenkamp & Shapiro, supra note 13, at 2020; see also Herbert Hovenkamp, Progressive Antitrust, 2018 U. Ill. L. Rev. 71, 76

Forum: Foreword—The 2017 Tax Cuts: How Polarized Politics Produced Precarious Policy

multinational corporations, the provision imposes a tax of 10% on these payments, scheduled to rise to 12.5% in 2026. The BEAT was an unanticipated

Forum: A Flood of Judicial Lobbying: Amicus Influence and Funding Transparency

Warren E. Burger papers “closed to researchers until 2026”)); see also Neil A. Lewis, Chief Justice Assails Library of Congress Release of Marshall