Results for 'Deno'
Forum: Dereliction of Duty: State-Bar Inaction in Response to America’s Access-to-Justice Crisis
; former Utah Supreme Court Justice Deno Himonas and former Utah State Bar President John Lund, who led Utah’s reexamination of their rules in 2020
Conscience Wars: Complicity-Based Conscience Claims in Religion and Politics
that brings to the nation’s capital approximately five hundred Christian pastors, who represent various denominations as well as non-denominational
Governance Reform and the Judicial Role in Municipal Bankruptcy
19 Nat’l Tax J. 187, 192 (1966). See, e.g., Kevin T. Deno & Stephen L. Mehay, Municipal Management Structure and Fiscal Performance: Do City Managers
Forum: The Once and Future Promise of Religious Schools for Poor and Minority Students
private schools.” So, too, do the schools of many other religious denominations and faiths. The public-school establishment should welcome the
Forum: The Rise of Bank Prosecutions
payment was denominated as forfeiture (although one advantage of that denomination is that the funds may be used to compensate individuals “who may
Forum: Federal Judicial Supremacy on the Ballot
supreme court had interpreted the Establishment Clause to ban your denomination. While Parker and his view of judicial supremacy were defeated in the
The First Amendment and the Right(s) of Publicity
its own set of prima facie elements. For purposes of clarity, we denominate these four ideal torts as the right of performance, the right of commercial
Forum: How Conflict Entrenched the Right to Privacy
reproduction, and marriage advanced by Christians mobilized in cross-denominational organizations and by the Republican Party).
Forum: Nervous Victors, Illiberal Measures
or even denominations, then, religious freedom is the ultimate source of moral stigma. But not the only one. Actions based on moral views held to be
Forum: Rules, Commands, and Principles in the Administrative State
very definition of “rule” is “an agency statement of general or particular applicability and future effect”; the latter, denominated “orders,” are