The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'Gay A Kuhn'

Federal Questions and the Domestic-Relations Exception

also Dale Carpenter, Four Arguments Against a Marriage Amendment That Even an Opponent of Gay Marriage Should Accept, 2 U. St. Thomas L.J. 71, 84 n.58

Professional Speech

speech? This Article provides a comprehensive account of the doctrinal and theoretical bases of professional speech and its application to

Forum: The Civil Rights Division: The Crown Jewel of the Justice Department

Lesbian, Gay, Bisex… Beth Reinhard, Contender to Run Civil Rights Post Can’t Be Pigeonholed, Wall St. J. (Mar. 9, 2017,… In a 1997 book chronicling the

Why Protect Religious Freedom?

an intriguing footnote, Leiter says that “to exempt Catholic priests from performing gay marriages would not be a burden-shifting exemption as long as

Forum: The Right to Amend State Constitutions

of federal constitutional rights by proposing a turn to the states. He celebrated state constitutions as “a font of individual liberties, their