Results for 'Workers Comp Lawyer Professional Corporation'
Forum: Dereliction of Duty: State-Bar Inaction in Response to America’s Access-to-Justice Crisis
from interfering with a lawyer’s independent professional judgment.” His essay notes that a lawyer spends “hours” completing a course in professional
Democratizing the FLSA Injunction: Toward a Systemic Remedy for Wage Theft
Employers Steal Billions from Workers’ Paychecks Each Year, Econ. P… Bernhardt et al., supra note 19, at 42 (reporting that 32.8% of Latino workers
Governance Reform and the Judicial Role in Municipal Bankruptcy
restaurants and other closely held corporations, not large businesses like Chrysler or United Airlines. When a closely held corporation files for Chapter
Conscience Wars: Complicity-Based Conscience Claims in Religion and Politics
Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends. S… These refusal laws appear to contradict professional guidance. The ACOG document instructs: “In … See, e.g., Mich. Comp
Forum: Judging Debt: How Judges’ Practices in Consumer-Credit Court Undermine Procedural Justice
defendant in this courtroom, you probably don’t have a lawyer, but you may be cornered by the other side’s attorney in the hallway and pressured into a
Leviathan and Interpretive Revolution: The Administrative State, the Judiciary, and the Rise of Legislative History, 1890-1950
considered more difficult and costly to research than other interpretive sources. What kind of judge or lawyer would routinize the use of a source often
Diffusing Disputes: The Public in the Private of Arbitration, the Private in Courts, and the Erasure of Rights
the results. My purpose is not to idealize courts as the sole path to or the embodiment of justice. Barriers to entry are significant, with lawyer fees
Agency Enforcement of Spending Clause Statutes: A Defense of the Funding Cut-Off
enforcement mindset due to their perception of their core professional obligations, so claims about limited agency motivation are overstated. Relatedly
Architectural Exclusion: Discrimination and Segregation Through Physical Design of the Built Environment
and low-income individuals. Decisions to exclude transit stops (and those who use them) from parts of the suburbs mean that many workers who would
Article III Judicial Power, the Adverse-Party Requirement, and Non-Contentious Jurisdiction
the issuance of orders approving the payment of administrative fees. Fees may be due to the trustee or to professional advisors (lawyers, investment