Results for 'administrative closure PA'
The Administrative Agon: A Democratic Theory for a Conflictual Regulatory State
and practice of administrative law and public administration. The theory has prescriptions for a range of issues—from public participation to
Border Checkpoints and Substantive Due Process: Abortion Rights in the Border Zone
either him or a third party. Id. Id. at 888 (quoting Planned Parenthood of Se. Pa. v. Casey, 744 F. Supp. 1323, 1361 (E.D. Pa. 1990), aff’d in part, rev’d
Forum: Against Bankruptcy: Public Litigation Values Versus the Endless Quest for Global Peace in Mass Litigation
litigation values and participation on the one hand and closure on the other has always permeated mass torts—particularly when the costs of coordinating
Forum: Science and Harm in Human Rights Cases: Preventing the Revictimization of Families of the Disappeared
part of their reparation obligation to families, both to give families closure and to prevent their revictimization. To do this, states must use state
Architectural Exclusion: Discrimination and Segregation Through Physical Design of the Built Environment
parking-by-permit-only requirements. In Part III, the Article considers the way that courts have analyzed exclusion through traditional land-use
The New Minimal Cities
are part of a larger pattern. In a national study of 4,066 American suburban governments, the authors classified 168 as “distressed,” as indicated by
Forum: Mandatory Aggregation of Mass Tort Litigation in Bankruptcy
party without that party’s consent. That principle is undoubtedly borne of constitutional due-process guaranties, as “part of our ‘deep-rooted historic
Agencies as Litigation Gatekeepers
so. An influential line of analysis holds that administrative agencies suffer from a range of bureaucratic pathologies, particularly in their
Diffusing Disputes: The Public in the Private of Arbitration, the Private in Courts, and the Erasure of Rights
of $750 was to be paid by AT&T under “the parties’ arbitration agreement.” Patrick Hendricks v. AT&T Mobility, LLC, Case No. 74-434-E-000041-12 (Award
Forum: Ending Citizenship for Service in the Forever Wars
development, it is perhaps surprising that this particular pathway to citizenship is being curtailed in the context of the longest period of hostilities in U.S