Results for 'ai code quality 25'
Forum: The Ethics and Challenges of Legal Personhood for AI
that AI has or can achieve any form of sentience, persisting in the belief that sentience is a uniquely human quality. But others will recognize
Forum: ARTificial: Why Copyright Is Not the Right Policy Tool to Deal with Generative AI
blog posts, photographs, forum posts, scraps of software code, and government documents—it would be impossible to train today’s leading AI models
Forum: How to Get the Property Out of Privacy Law
advertisements on its platforms does not quality as a legitimate interest. Case C-252/21, Meta Platforms v. Bundeskartellamt, ECLI:EU:C:2023:537, ¶ 117
Forum: Dismantling the “Black Opticon”: Privacy, Race, Equity, and Online Data-Protection Reform
required as a precondition even of consensual algorithmically aided targeted advertising, the use of AI and profiling, where there is a “reasonably
Forum: On “Confetti Regulation”: The Wrong Way to Regulate Gamified Investing
particularly concerned that Silicon Valley technology lawyers might set out to establish a First Amendment landmark decision on the “right to code
Machine Testimony
for further testing or “tinkering”; disclosure of “source code,” if necessary to meaningfully scrutinize the machine’s claims; and the discovery of
settlements. An AI arms race and a laissez-faire approach to globalization enable a borderless labor market without labor protections and the capture of