The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'analogy'

Originalism-by-Analogy and Second Amendment Adjudication

Yale Law Journal - Originalism-by-Analogy and Second Amendment Adjudication Originalism-by-Analogy and Second Amendment Adjudication abstract. In New

Forum: The Justice as Commissioner: Benching the Judge-Umpire Analogy

The Yale Law Journal - Forum: The Justice as Commissioner: Benching the Judge-Umpire Analogy The Justice as Commissioner: Benching the Judge-Umpire

The Domestic Analogy Revisited: Hobbes on International Order

Yale Law Journal - The Domestic Analogy Revisited: Hobbes on International Order The Domestic Analogy Revisited: Hobbes on International Order

Forum: Treaty Denunciation and "Withdrawal" from Customary International Law: An Erroneous Analogy with Dangerous Consequences

The Yale Law Journal - Forum: Treaty Denunciation and Withdrawal from Customary International Law: An Erroneous Analogy with Dangerous Consequences

Created in Its Image: The Race Analogy, Gay Identity, and Gay Litigation in the 1950s-1970s

Yale Law Journal - Created in Its Image: The Race Analogy, Gay Identity, and Gay Litigation in the 1950s-1970s

Forum: A Cure Worse than the Disease?

critical, reliance on the destructive-treatment analogy in Shelby County exposes section 2 of the VRA to invalidation as well. The analogy’s objection to

Forum: Marilyn Monroe’s Legacy: Taxation of Postmortem Publicity Rights

Benefits: A Flawed Analogy In arguing that legislatures should eliminate the power to devise publicity rights, Gans, Crawford, and Blattmachr draw an

Coordinated Rulemaking and Cooperative Federalism’s Administrative Law

implementing cooperative programs as if they were federal agencies. In this states-as-agencies analogy, Congress makes the law, and states are

Patricia L. Bellia

analytic history of U.S. policy in Vietnam. The analogy is a powerful wea… Feature 118 Yale L.J. 868 (2009). In Preemption and Privacy, Professor Paul

David Singh Grewal

advanced an analogy between persons and states. Extending this “domestic analogy,” the…