Results for 'citation machine apa'
Forum: Memorandums to Messages: The Evolution of FOIA in the Age of the Internet
Administrative Procedure Act (APA) of 1946 contained a provision concerning public access to government records, providing that “matters of official record
Dangerous Defendants
… This chart expands on a model created by the Pretrial Justice Institute, see Pretrial Risk Assessm… At its core, a machine-learning risk assessment
Forum: Exploiting the Poor: Housing, Markets, and Vulnerability
building with apartments that are in bad condition and rents them to poor people.” Exploitation only creeps into Merriam-Webster’s “full definition” of
Forum: Pushed Out and Locked In: The Catch-22 for New York’s Disabled, Homeless Sex-Offender Registrants
close to a school. Apartment: too much money; not wheelchair accessible. We would continue to do this for years. Manuel’s paralysis left him hardly able
The First Patent Litigation Explosion
battles broke out over water wheels, machine tools, mechanical harvesters, sewing machines, railroad equipment, rubber goods, the telegraph, telephone
Forum: Courts in the Age of Dysfunction
as China make massive investments in infrastructure and education, while in this country, our infrastructure falls apart and we slash education
Forum: A Brief Defense of the Written Description Requirement
separate requirement apart from enabling the PHOSITA to make and use the invention. It appears that academics are split on the question, and most
Forum: Constructing AI Speech
machine systems; there is always a human in the loop, in both the narrower and broader senses of the term. Humans and organizations of humans pick goals
Forum: Real Talk About Fake News: Towards a Better Theory for Platform Governance
comments and endless patience, and to Nana Menya Ayensu, for everything always, but especially the coffee. Preferred Citation: Nabiha Syed, Real Talk About
Forum: The Ideological Roots of America’s Market Power Problem
current antitrust framework is Steve Salop’s on vertical mergers. Salop cogently picks apart the set of flawed economic assumptions that underlie the