Results for 'collaborative care model'
Forum: Chosen Family, Care, and the Workplace
administration, the new laws will not only allow workers to care for loved ones without fearing losing a job, but also serve as a model more generally for
Private Enforcement of the Affordable Care Act: Toward an "Implied Warranty of Legality" in Health Insurance
explaining that most state statutory provisions were modeled on a model act that omitted a private cause of action, and observing that if this omission was
The “M” in MLP: A Proposal for Expanding the Roles of Clinicians in Medical-Legal Partnerships
care institutions across forty-one states, and the model is continuing to evolve. There is a growing literature on the economic and social impacts of
Forum: Can Affordable Housing Be a Safety Net? Lessons from a Pandemic
addressing renters’ temporary fiscal distress. If the government is to protect people from this form of housing instability, different models are
Forum: Pedagogy of Prefiguration
because of low case volume, but also due to their funding model. Public-interest legal organizations that represent poor and marginalized people operate
Forum: A New “Plan for Transformation”: Improving Living Conditions in Chicago’s Public Housing
low-income families. In doing so, it established the contemporary model of providing federal funds to local PHAs to own and operate affordable
(Re)Framing Race in Civil Rights Lawyering
meaningful, collaborative opportunities to reframe race-coded identity and provide new visions of self, namings, and identities. Such reframing can
Cops and Pleas: Police Officers’ Influence on Plea Bargaining
authors wrote, based upon “the strength of professional models in the office; the social separation between officer and prosecutors; the commitment to a
The Perils of Experimentation
well-being in the political model would be mediated through their political objectives. The deliberative and political models are not meant to
The Constitutional Duty To Supervise
most prominently manifest in Article II’s Take Care Clause, but it also surfaces more broadly as a constitutional prerequisite of delegation of