Results for 'convey definition'
Forum: Looking Back Ten Years After Kelo
definitions to various degrees. Twenty-five states changed their definitions of “blight,” requiring a closer connection between the taking and the protection
Forum: Data Laws at Work
workers partner with data analysts. In other cases, definitional ambiguities have prevented workers from gaining the insights that they need
The Interpretation-Construction Distinction in Patent Law
source of linguistic meaning is dictionary definitions, or the context provided by the whole patent document, or testimony from expert witnesses. A
Professional Speech
operations. My definition of “knowledge community” builds on various definitions of that concept offered in the management and social science literature and
Deciphering the Commander-in-Chief Clause
military, far more than a generic commander in chief would. These other sources of power convey authority over the appointment, direction, and removal
recognize how contemporary transac… Article Machines play increasingly crucial roles in establishing facts in legal disputes. Some machines convey
Machine Testimony
Some machines convey information—the images of cameras, the measurements of thermometers, the opinions of expert systems. When a litigant offers a human
Forum: A Response to Goodwin Liu
Clause goes against the grain of now-conventional Fourteenth Amendment wisdom. First, he reads that Clause to convey positive rights, and finds support
Forum: Secrecy, Intimacy, and Workable Rules: Justice Sotomayor Stakes Out the Middle Ground in United States v. Jones
physically intrudes upon the defendant’s “effects,” namely his car. The opinion thus revives the property-based definition of Fourth Amendment
Reconciling the Crime of Aggression and Complementarity: Unaddressed Tensions and a Way Forward
Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) agreed on a definition of the crime of aggression. But the Assembly failed to