The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'equivalent resistance paralle'

Campus Sexual Assault Adjudication and Resistance to Reform

Title IX to campus sexual assault, and the resistance to that application, parallel the history of rape law reform. From this parallel, this Feature

The Domestic Analogy Revisited: Hobbes on International Order

source of this problem is the “domestic analogy,” an analytic maneuver of enduring influence that draws a parallel between the relations of persons in

Localist Administrative Law

can be cataloged along three dimensions. The first two parallel the traditional domain of local-government scholarship: the vertical relationship of

Forum: The Supreme Court (of Baseball)

” doctrine in Plessy v. Ferguson. For the Office of the Commissioner, the low point was Kenesaw Mountain Landis’s strong resistance to integration and

The Limits of Enumeration

Constitution confers the equivalent of plenary power on Congress. It might, or it might not, depending on the best constructions of many different powers and

Beyond the Indian Commerce Clause

consensus existed, it proved remarkably fleeting: under the new Constitution, expansionist states continued to defy federal authority. These parallels

The First Patent Litigation Explosion

nor even to insist that they represent quantitatively parallel experiences of patent litigation. It would be misleading to assume that a patent case in

Domestic Violence Asylum After Matter of L-R-

fugitive leader of the anti-Nazi Resistance who escaped on a late-night flight to freedom in the movie Casablanca. A more modern example is Chen

Forum: (Un)Constitutional Punishments: Eighth Amendment Silos, Penological Purposes, and People’s “Ruin”

lawyer, Peter Navarro, had explained that the $425 in fines represented “more than the equivalent of four disability checks” that the Veterans

The Unbundled Union: Politics Without Collective Bargaining

steady and strong, but is statistically equivalent to zero for those at the fiftieth income percentile. Most importantly, Gilens finds that even when