Results for 'foia court documents'
Forum: Memorandums to Messages: The Evolution of FOIA in the Age of the Internet
post records in locations most helpful to the public. Agencies have created online FOIA Libraries that contain operational documents, frequently
Forum: The “Freedom From Information” Act: A Look Back at Nader, FOIA, and What Went Wrong
fascinating FOIA artifact, a look at how FOIA worked before thousands of court decisions shaped its contours. As things have turned out, the problems
Executive Orders in Court
Yale Law Journal - Executive Orders in Court Executive Orders in Court abstract. This Note presents a study of judicial decisions that have engaged
Forum: Trump v. Hawaii: How the Supreme Court Simultaneously Overturned and Revived Korematsu
7520 (PGG)) (resisting the release of the report to the public in FOIA litigation). See Richard Primus, How Trump Gave the Supreme Court a Second
Forum: Thwarting the Separation of Powers in Interbranch Information Disputes
eventually produced the requested documents, but only after a federal district court largely rejected the executive privilege assertion on the ground that
Forum: A Resurgence of Secret Law
congressional purpose to require disclosure of documents which have ‘the force and effect of law.’” The Court explained that the FOIA’s affirmative disclosure
Forum: Regulating Federal Prosecutors: Let There Be Light
President Obama issued a directive calling for a “clear presumption” in favor of disclosing government documents under FOIA and stating that nondisclosure
Administrative Law
explains how federal agencies help states write legislation. Even as the Supreme Court has curtailed administrative power in the name of federalism
Gender Violence Costs: Schools’ Financial Obligations Under Title IX
access, one that implicates the equality mandate at the heart of Title IX. This Feature documents the centrality of these financial harms to the
Immigration Law
of Latin American defendants for misdemeanor immigration crimes. This Article documents, analyzes, and draws lessons from immigrants’ defiance. In