The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'food hygiene pdf'

Forum: Financial Hardship and the Excessive Fines Clause: Assessing the Severity of Property Forfeitures After Timbs

foreclose consideration of whether a forfeiture interfered with one’s ability to meet basic human needs, including food, hygiene, housing, and necessary

Forum: Ending the Incarceration of Women and Girls

feminine hygiene products was inadequate. The use of incarceration has become a common solution to the symptoms of poverty. Ironically, the political

Forum: Preemption as a Judicial End-Run Around the Administrative Process?

arena of health and safety, where direct APA challenges to preemptive rules promulgated by the Food and Drug Administration or the National Highway

Ban the Address: Combating Employment Discrimination Against the Homeless

for Homeless People, U.S. Dep’t Hous-ing & Urb. Dev. 11-3 (2007),‌/pdf‌/p11‌.pdf http://‌‌/G9QR-BZYY

Forum: The End of Asylum Redux and the Role of Law School Clinics

threatening, with widespread reports of medical neglect, inedible food and water, lack of access to showers and other basic hygiene, and inability to

Forum: Who Pays? An Analysis of Fine Collection in New York City

underlying violations if the penalties imposed are not collected. In addition to potentially failing to resolve immediate harms like unsafe food handling

Localist Administrative Law

York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene promulgated a regulation that would have limited sales based on the portion size of so-called “sugary

Forum: Reckoning with Race and Disability

embrace rather than shun medicalization because “problems framed as medical are relatively insulated from political tides,” problems such as poverty, food