The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'ill sue you in england'

Forum: A New “Plan for Transformation”: Improving Living Conditions in Chicago’s Public Housing

You have to make that determination: Do I need to be warm right now, or do I care to breathe these fumes and gases from an open oven in?” Residents

Special Juries in the Supreme Court

merchants in particular. Though dating back centuries, the practice of impanelling expert juries of merchants became especially prevalent in England and

Diffusing Disputes: The Public in the Private of Arbitration, the Private in Courts, and the Erasure of Rights

judges, encouraging them to become case managers pressing for resolutions without adjudication. In the 1990s, England and Wales embraced pre-filing

The Growth of Litigation Finance in DOJ Whistleblower Suits: Implications and Recommendations

Australia and England, litigation finance has been slow to develop in the United States due to common-law prohibitions on third-party financing. The most

The Constitutionality of Civil Forfeiture

regulated colonial trade in the service of England’s mercantilist system. For instance, the Navigation Act of 1660 required that English ships be used to

Forum: Replacing Smith

reasoning even in common-law England. Returning to the case discussed above in Section II.B.1, Lord Mansfield observed that religious dissenters faced

Cops and Pleas: Police Officers’ Influence on Plea Bargaining

really the DA going, ‘We’re just going to run this by you.’” In Texas, Mike Rickman, the general counsel for the state’s largest police officer association

Natural Rights and the First Amendment

observed in January 1791, before the First Amendment was ratified. This right, Fisher Ames echoed in agreement, was “an unalienable right, which you

We the People: Each and Every One

in their own Courts to have their controversies determined.” Denying individuals a right to sue a state, while allowing them to sue municipalities


Countermajoritarian Difficulty. The piece explains that the counter… Article 112 Yale L.J. 1 (2002) In some parts of the world, you can go to jail for reciting