The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'lean management '

A Theory of the REIT

serve an important role in holding managers accountable. Likewise, corporate law affords management vast discretion over whether or not to reinvest

Judging Justice on Appeal

delineates the losses associated with each of these case-management developments, but then makes two larger, profound points. First, it is not simply

Forum: Electoral Adequacy

components: adequate funding, competent management, and democratic structures. Finding success in these policy areas would mitigate many specific

The New Labor Law

business, particularly in the South. Meanwhile, employers, even in highly organized industries, began to develop a range of new management strategies

Forum: Service Delivery, Resource Allocation, and Access to Justice: Greiner and Pattanayak and the Research Imperative

increasingly demanding evidence of efficacy to fund new or existing social programs. The Government Accounting Office and the Office of Management

Against the Tide: Connecticut Oystering, Hybrid Property, and the Survival of the Commons

Shasta County, and Berkes analyzes the management of village fishing waters through collective, informal regulation. Heller’s account of the Chesapeake’s

The New Minimal Cities

imprecise and excessively optimistic accounting methods; and (4) management failures, including underfunding. A fifth critical factor applies to the

Forum: The Insidious War Powers Status Quo

sometimes deployed without even the President’s control should be especially concerning. Unlike Professor Waxman, I lean toward thinking that this

Forum: Partisanship, Remedies, and the Rule of Law

Justices’ understanding of statutory text and their own evaluation of what policy consequences matter. Focusing narrowly on the management of remedial

Border Checkpoints and Substantive Due Process: Abortion Rights in the Border Zone

explained in Koontz v. St. Johns River Water Management District, in the individual-rights context the doctrine bars “the government from deny a