Results for 'legitimacy'
Forum: Scalia and the King: The Ancient Writ of Habeas Corpus and the Missing Legitimacy Core of Modern Habeas Law
The Yale Law Journal - Forum: Scalia and the King: The Ancient Writ of Habeas Corpus and the Missing Legitimacy Core of Modern Habeas Law Scalia and
Legitimacy and Federal Criminal Enforcement Power
consider legitimacy’s role in federal street crime enforcement. We should. If legitimacy partly explains the outcome disparities between state and
Democratic Legitimacy
The Yale Law Journal - Democratic Legitimacy Democratic Legitimacy Forum We live in perilous times, where acrimony and contempt poison our republic
Forum: Solidarity, Legitimacy, and the Janus Double Bind
The Yale Law Journal - Forum: Solidarity, Legitimacy, and the Janus Double Bind Solidarity, Legitimacy, and the Janus Double Bind abstract. In Janus
Forum: Justice Thomas, Criminal Justice, and Originalism’s Legitimacy
The Yale Law Journal - Forum: Justice Thomas, Criminal Justice, and Originalism’s Legitimacy Justice Thomas, Criminal Justice, and Originalism’s
Forum: Democracy and Legitimacy in Investor-State Arbitration
The Yale Law Journal - Forum: Democracy and Legitimacy in Investor-State Arbitration Democracy and Legitimacy in Investor-State Arbitration In
Judicial Legitimacy and Federal Judicial Design: Managing Integrity and Autochthony
legitimacy.html; David B. Rivkin, Jr. & Jennifer L. Mascott, Opinion, The Supreme Court Reclaims Its Legitimacy, Wall St. J
Police Reform and the Dismantling of Legal Estrangement
context of police stops. This Essay argues that legitimacy theory offers an incomplete diagnosis of the policing crisis, and thus de-emphasizes deeper
Forum: Justice Sotomayor and the Jurisprudence of Procedural Justice
on the foundations of popular legitimacy demonstrating that perceived procedural justice of the Court most strongly shapes it. Social science
Forum: Supreme Court as Superweapon: A Response to Epps & Sitaraman
& Sitaraman abstract. Is the Supreme Court’s legitimacy in crisis? Daniel Epps and Ganesh Sitaraman argue that it is. In their Feature, How to Save the Supreme