Results for 'license'
Copyright Protection in an Opt-Out World: Implied License Doctrine and News Aggregators
Yale Law Journal - Copyright Protection in an Opt-Out World: Implied License Doctrine and News Aggregators Copyright Protection in an Opt-Out World: Implied License Doctrine and ...
Toward an Efficient Licensing and Rate-Setting Regime: Reconstructing § 114(i) of the Copyright Act
administrators, such that a music user would need to acquire only one license rather than separate licenses from sound recording and musical composition
Forum: AI and Captured Capital
“fair, ethical agreement to safely create and license a digital replica of their voice” and allows Replica to use the licensed voices in video-game
Forum: Vaccine Licensure in the Public Interest: Lessons from the Development of the U.S. Army Zika Vaccine
license the technology if the licensee fails to develop the technology, or to meet health and safety needs. See § 203(a)(1) and§ 203(a)(2). While this
Forum: Copyright, Meet Antitrust: The Supreme Court’s Warhol Decision and the Rise of Competition Analysis in Fair Use
pop-art superstar, and the magazine negotiated with Goldsmith’s agency for a license to Goldsmith’s 1981 photograph, to serve as an “artist reference
Forum: The Limits of Professional Speech
activities within a clinic take place pursuant to a license, not everything that is communicated within a licensed facility is professional speech. Imagine
Forum: Why Rely on the Fourth Amendment To Do the Work of the First?
invasive technologies like cell-site simulators, automated license plate readers, pervasive aerial surveillance systems, and facial-recognition databases
Forum: Lawyer Lies and Political Speech
scandal.Both lawyers ultimately lost their law licenses, and Mitchell served time in jail. Notably, President Clinton surrendered his license rather
News: From the Archives: The Legality of Homosexual Marriage
June 26, the United States Supreme Court held in Obergefell v. Hodges that the Fourteenth Amendment requires all fifty states to license same-sex
Regulating Sexual Orientation Change Efforts: The California Approach, Its Limitations, and Potential Alternatives
license with terms and conditions, or may suspend or revoke the registration or license of any registrant or licensee if the applicant, registrant, or