The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'lower central series'

Federal Courts

judges in U.S. territories are now obsolete. It foregrounds the central role that the Judicial Conference has played in preserving two sepa… Review

Administrative Law

lower court’s opinion expressed the wrong reasons for it. Not so in the case of judicial review… Forum Of central importance to administrative law and

Forum: The Limits of Mobility and the Persistence of Urban Inequality

of the highest poverty central city neighborhoods to lower poverty suburbs. On the other hand, looking back, it is not surprising that many residents

Forum: After Aurelius: What Future for the Insular Cases?

overrule the Insular Cases. There is good reason to overrule the Insular Cases—a series of early 1900s rulings that drew constitutional distinctions

Time and Punishment

the rich conversation on time and power to the family regulation context. This Feature makes two central contributions. One, it identifies and

Forum: Predatory Pricing: Limiting Brooke Groupe to Monopolies and Sound Implementation of Price-Cost Comparison

why he thought predatory pricing is rare: A firm contemplating predatory price warfare will perceive a series of obstacles that make the prospect of

Forum: Copyright, Meet Antitrust: The Supreme Court’s Warhol Decision and the Rise of Competition Analysis in Fair Use

for the Visual Arts, Inc. v. Goldsmith, the Supreme Court considered whether the licensing of one of Andy Warhol’s Prince Series works (see the work on

Constitutional Law

agreed upon? —Napoleon Bonaparte. Introduction October Term 2021 was a momentous one for the United States Supreme Court. In a series of decisions, the


Haiti—by conceptualizing it as property, rather than a piece of sovereign territory. The story of Navassa shows how the concept of property is central to

Legislative Constitutionalism and Federal Indian Law

within the field of federal Indian law provides us with an illustration of Congress taking a central role in the identification and mitigation of