Results for 'maya'
Base Constitutional Communities: Lessons from Liberation Theology for Democratic Constitutionalism
Smith, U.S. Supreme Court v. American Public Opinion: The Verdict Is In, Harv. Kennedy Sc… Stephen Jessee, Neil Malhotra & Maya Sen, A Decade-Long
Sex in Public
Schapiro, Meredith Render, Jim Oleske, Maya Manian, Ron Levin, Ron Krotoszynski, Jill Hasday, Katie Eyer, Jessica Clarke, Mary Anne Case, Rick Brooks
The Forgotten History of Metes and Bounds
Rachel Gallagher, Wil Gould, Julia Jackson, Maya Rich, Katie Taylor, Olivia Vaden, and Darcy Whelan—who double-checked my readings of hundreds of
Forum: Partisanship, Remedies, and the Rule of Law
is not just false; its falsity has been known for decades. Adam Bonica and Maya Sen’s recent review of the empirical literature on judicial ideology
Forum: Opaque Capital and Mass-Tort Financing
… 123. Maya Steinitz & Abigail C. Field, A Model Litigation Finance Contract, 99 Iowa L. Rev. 711,… 124. See Avraham, Baker & Sebok, supra note 18, at
The Growth of Litigation Finance in DOJ Whistleblower Suits: Implications and Recommendations
common law prohibitions on champerty i… See, e.g., Maya Steinitz, Whose Claim Is This Anyway? Third-Party Litigation Funding, 95 Minn. L. … See, e.g
Forum: Overlooking Equality on the Road to Griswold
Lydia Anderson-Dana, Yasmin Emrani, and Maya Khan provided superlative research assistance, and Rachel Bayefsky and the staff of the Yale Law
Forum: Rape-by-Deception—A Response
Onlin… See, e.g., Nomi Maya Stolzenberg, Marriage as a Legal Metaphor: Commentary on Rachel Adler, 7 S. Cal… Professor Ramachandran makes this argument
Toward an Efficient Licensing and Rate-Setting Regime: Reconstructing § 114(i) of the Copyright Act
to garnering an Oscar nod and a Grammy win, the song sold over 6.4 million U.S. copies… Maya Kosoff, Pharrell Made Only $2,700 in Songwriter
Forum: The History of Neutrality: Dobbs and the Social-Movement Politics of History and Tradition
Lessons from Lawrence: How “History” Gave Us Dobbs—And How History Can Help Overrule I… Stephen Jessee, Neil Mahotra & Maya Sen, A Decade-Long