The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'nyc care regardless'

Tort Concepts in Traffic Crimes

requirement. In place of a mens rea inquiry, the Right of Way Law inquires whether the injury was caused by the driver’s “failure to exercise due care

Forum: Beyond the Box: Safeguarding Employment for Arrested Employees

policies—sometimes even a zero-tolerance policy—for particular criminal charges, refusing to hire applicants regardless of whether they were actually

Forum: Judging Debt: How Judges’ Practices in Consumer-Credit Court Undermine Procedural Justice

the NYC consumer-credit courts have applications beyond the city’s five boroughs. NYC consumer-credit courts and consumer-credit courts across the

Forum: In the Shadow of Child Protective Services: Noncitizen Parents and the Child-Welfare System

degree of care.” Under New York case law, a “minimum baseline of proper care for children that all parents, regardless of lifestyle or social or

Forum: Pushed Out and Locked In: The Catch-22 for New York’s Disabled, Homeless Sex-Offender Registrants

distance is calculated as the crow flies, regardless of whether natural or artificial barriers block direct access to the school. Given the abundance

Forum: The Point Isnt Moot: How Lower Courts Have Blessed Government Abuse of the Voluntary-Cessation Doctrine

theoretical justifications for such a policy do not hold up either. The Court should therefore—regardless of how it decides the case on the merits—reject the

Forum: Gig-Economy Myths and Missteps

the tension between gig work and employment—simply reinforce existing labor market inequalities by conceding the classification question, regardless of

Forum: Can Affordable Housing Be a Safety Net? Lessons from a Pandemic

safe, quality housing to people regardless of their income, and even aiming to foster residential integration. But the welfare state also serves

Forum: Radical Early Defense Against Family Policing

and other hoops families must jump through for their children’s return; the trauma of both momentary and interminable foster care on young people

Forum: Can New York Publish President Trump’s State Tax Returns?

contrast, could be passed by President Trump’s home state of New York and would be effective regardless of where he decides to compete in 2020. This Essay