Results for 'pa adjustment'
Governance Reform and the Judicial Role in Municipal Bankruptcy
bankruptcy needs to provide more than simple debt reduction. Debt adjustment alone does nothing to remedy the fragmented decision making and incentives for
The Un-Territoriality of Data
in Verdugo-Urquidez are correct. He thus applies his Fourth Amendment theory of equilibrium adjustment—pursuant to which the Fourth Amendment adapts to
Stuck! The Law and Economics of Residential Stagnation
potentially rise if a city’s building stock and government shrank to fit its new conditions. But such an adjustment is tremendously challenging to
Antitrust and Deregulation
Court’s most recent decisions interpreting what cons… See Fallon, supra note 59, at 486-89 (observing that adjustments to qualified immunity may influen
How Qualified Immunity Fails
served by qualified immunity doctrine. I also suggest adjustments to qualified immunity that would create more consistency between the doctrine and its
Forum: Worse than Death
Psychologist in Action: A Psychological Evaluation of the Adjustment Center Environment at San Quentin Prison, 2 J. Black Psych. 75 (1976). Thomas B. Benjamin
Forum: Ridding the Family-Law Canon of the Relics of Coverture: The Due Process Right to Alternative Fee Arrangements in Divorce
the plaintiffs, locked them out of the sole state-created means for divorce—a process the Court described as an “adjustment” of the “fundamental human
Reducing Inequality on the Cheap: When Legal Rule Design Should Incorporate Equity as Well as Efficiency
consume the products or work at the factory, any costs passed along cannot be borne by the pollutees because there is no price or quantity adjustment
The Emergence of Neutrality
scholars and judges. On its own, history cannot dictate whether our approach to rights needs adjustment. But it can refocus attention on values and
Forum: Blatt v. Cabela’s Retail, Inc. and a New Path for Transgender Rights
2178123 (E.D. Pa. N… Am. Psychiatric Ass’n, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 451-53 (5th ed. 2013)… See, e.g., Gavin Grimm, Opinion