The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'position size calculator'

Forum: Corpus Linguistics & Original Public Meaning: A New Tool To Make Originalism More Empirical

searchable body of texts used to determine meaning through language usage. A corpus, usually tens or hundreds of millions of words in size, can help

Exceptional Judgments: Revising the Terrorism Exception to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act

volunteers would decline to provide any advice … Therefore, although the ASC volunteers take the position that no attorney-client relationship was

Attorney for the Day: Measuring the Efficacy of In-Court Limited-Scope Representation

provide any advice … Therefore, although the ASC volunteers take the position that no attorney-client relationship was … Before launching, ASC emphasized

Forum: Public Interests, Private Institutions? Public Policy Challenges to Tax-Free Universities

nor could legislators have predicted the drastic changes in size and scope to Yale’s operating model that would unfold over nearly two hundred years