The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'pov'

Pregnancy, Poverty, and the State

Yale Law Journal - Pregnancy, Poverty, and the State Pregnancy, Poverty, and the State The Poverty of Privacy Rights by khiara m. bridges stanford

Pleading Poverty in Federal Court

Yale Law Journal - Pleading Poverty in Federal Court Pleading Poverty in Federal Court abstract. What must a poor person plead to gain access to the

Responses to Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City by Matthew Desmond

The Yale Law Journal - Responses to i Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City /i by Matthew Desmond Forum Collection Responses to Evicted

Forum: Revolutionizing Redistribution: Tax Credits and the American Rescue Plan

Federalism and Poverty 1, 5-7 (E… See John Iceland, Poverty in America: A Handbook 22-38 (2013) (discussing different methods of pov… See Adam Omar Hosein

Forum: New Sheriff, Old Problems: Advancing Access to Justice Under the Trump Administration

“who live in households with annual incomes at or below 125% of the federal poverty guidelines—in 2015, $14,713 for an individual, $30,313 for a family

Forum: Federal Nagging: How Congress Should Promote Equity and Common High Standards in Public Schools

continue to maintain very high per-pupil funding differences—over $2000 per student—between their lowest- and highest-poverty districts. Congress

Forum: Legal Responses to the Crisis of Forced Moves Illustrated in Evicted

Illustrated in Evicted introduction Matthew Desmond’s Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City combines compelling narratives that illustrate many

Housing Law

Desmond’s Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City is a triumphant work that provides the missing socio-legal data needed to prove why America

Whose Child Is This? Improving Child-Claiming Rules in Safety-Net Programs

Safety-Net Programs abstract. To address the staggering problem of child poverty in the United States, policymakers distribute a host of safety-net

Ariel Jurow Kleiman

of households from being pushed into poverty by taxes. This Essay argues that Congress should build on these reforms to make refundable …