Results for 'public trust doctrine'
The Eyes-On Doctrine
Yale Law Journal - The Eyes-On Doctrine The Eyes-On Doctrine abstract. For decades, American courts have taken for granted that the separation of
Privacy’s Trust Gap: A Review
doomed. Law and public policy can and should play a role in promoting trust and privacy. Contrary to popular and legal rhetoric about the “death of privacy
Forum: Water Rights of Public Domain Allotments
Public domain allotments (PDAs) can be held in fee simple by grantees and their descendants, or they may be held in trust by the federal government for a
Shareholder Proposal Settlements and the Private Ordering of Public Elections
suggest that “voluntary” disclosures may not be worthy of public trust. 4. Citizen Sovereignty Private disclosure law undercuts citizen sovereignty
Public Actors, Private Law: Local Governments’ Use of Covenants To Regulate Land Use
Yale Law Journal - Public Actors, Private Law: Local Governments’ Use of Covenants To Regulate Land Use Public Actors, Private Law: Local Governments
Forum: Keeping the Promise of Public Fiduciary Theory: A Reply to Leib and Galoob
The Yale Law Journal - Forum: Keeping the Promise of Public Fiduciary Theory: A Reply to Leib and Galoob Keeping the Promise of Public Fiduciary
Forum: Against Bankruptcy: Public Litigation Values Versus the Endless Quest for Global Peace in Mass Litigation
trust instead. This is the unorthodox bankruptcy procedure the Court granted certiorari to decide. The stakes are high. Although public litigation
Forum: The Point Isnt Moot: How Lower Courts Have Blessed Government Abuse of the Voluntary-Cessation Doctrine
The Yale Law Journal - Forum: The Point Isnt Moot: How Lower Courts Have Blessed Government Abuse of the Voluntary-Cessation Doctrine The Point Isnt
Diffusing Disputes: The Public in the Private of Arbitration, the Private in Courts, and the Erasure of Rights
or to explain reasons for dissent. The public gains two kinds of access rights to courts. Constitutional text, doctrine, and common law traditions
Forum: Infrastructure Sharing in Cities
large and as private property owners lives on through the application of the public trust doctrine. Some states protect public parks, city streets, and