The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'publicity rights definition'

Natural Rights and the First Amendment

Yale Law Journal - Natural Rights and the First Amendment Natural Rights and the First Amendment abstract. The Supreme Court often claims that the

Diffusing Disputes: The Public in the Private of Arbitration, the Private in Courts, and the Erasure of Rights

to call the “effective vindication” of rights. The complement to all of his methods is the concept of publicity, making exchanges between disputants


analysis in right of publicity cases is notoriously troublesome. To remedy this nettlesome conflict, this Article disaggregates the distinct interests

Forum: How to Get the Property Out of Privacy Law

Europe’s pretzel-shaped path for regulating the technology sector has a very uncertain future because the promise of fundamental rights to control personal

Forum: Chosen Family, Care, and the Workplace

sick-day laws include broader definitions of “family” than the definition in the FMLA. That said, some of the laws expand the scope only minimally and

Not Hers Alone: Victim Standing Before the CEDAW Committee After M.W. v. Denmark

rights have been violated, any recommendation as to how the violation should be remedied, or the international publicity that the Committee’s decisions

Forum: AI and the Sound of Music

Patchwork of State Laws the Only Guidance, for Now, Crowell (… 1 J. Thomas McCarthy & Roger E. Schecter, The Rights of Publicity and Privacy § 1:3 (2d ed

Self-Help and the Separation of Powers

subject of constitutional countermeasures. I. constitutionally derived tools and types of interbranch self-help A. Definitional Preliminaries A study

Title IX: An Imperfect but Vital Tool To Stop Bullying of LGBT Students

discrimination per se. Like the courts, OCR has relied on Title VII precedent when interpreting LGBT students’ rights under Title IX. OCR’s definition of

Changing the Wind: Notes Toward a Demosprudence of Law and Social Movements

when legal rights grant those with a grievance a highly individualistic remedy, the definition of those rights can be manipulated over time by clever