Results for 'robert kennedy jr wife'
Forum: Ridding the Family-Law Canon of the Relics of Coverture: The Due Process Right to Alternative Fee Arrangements in Divorce
Reconstructing Liberty, Equality, and Marriage: The Missing Nineteenth Amendment Ar… A.F.S., Jr., Recent Cases, Divorce-Liability of Husband for Wife’s
Forum: Perfect Plaintiffs
A well-selected plaintiff can provide a concrete context for abstract legal concepts and personalize the stakes. Justice Kennedy, author of all the
Forum: Navigating Between “Politics as Usual” and Sacks of Cash
acknowledged the “tawdry” facts of the case, which had the Governor of Virginia and his wife receiving a steady stream of expensive gifts from a
The Age of Consent
and its demigods, including Christopher Columbus Langdell and Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. Langdell believed that law was a science from which
Forum: The Case for Creative Pluralism in Adoption and Foster Care
Robert P. George & Ryan T. Anderson, What Is Marriage?, 34 Harv. J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 245, 263 (2011)). William N. Eskridge Jr. & Andrew M. Koppelman
Conscience Wars: Complicity-Based Conscience Claims in Religion and Politics
earlier views. See James M. Oleske, Jr., The Born-Again Champion of Conscience, 128 Harv. L. Rev. F. 75 (2015) (reviewing Robert P. George
The Anti-Humiliation Principle and Same-Sex Marriage
majority opinion, Justice Kennedy used the word “dignity” three times. The mention that drew the ire of Justice Antonin Scalia’s dissent occurred in a
Forum: Equality’s Frontiers: Courts Opening and Closing
so his new wife could adopt Ms. Brooks’s two young children. Ms. Brooks lost at trial and wanted to appeal; her argument was that the exacting burden
Foundling Fathers: (Non-)Marriage and Parental Rights in the Age of Equality
arguments announced, “Supreme Court Asked to Upset ‘Sexist’ Laws in Illinois, Idaho.” Justice Blackmun’s clerk Robert E. Gooding, Jr. thought Stanley
Changing the Wind: Notes Toward a Demosprudence of Law and Social Movements
System (1994). See, e.g., Randall Kennedy, Martin Luther King’s Constitution: A Legal History of the Montgomery B… Robert Jerome Glennon, The Role of Law