The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'subpoena'

John Doe Subpoenas: Toward a Consistent Legal Standard

Yale Law Journal - John Doe Subpoenas: Toward a Consistent Legal Standard John Doe Subpoenas: Toward a Consistent Legal Standard

Huppert v. City of Pittsburg: The Contested Status of Police Officers’ Subpoenaed Testimony After Garcetti v. Ceballos

Yale Law Journal - Huppert v. City of Pittsburg: The Contested Status of Police Officers’ Subpoenaed Testimony After Garcetti v. Ceballos Huppert v

Forum: Executive Power from a Connecticut Perspective: Lowering the Impeachment Bar

corruption charge. Rowland’s plea followed an adverse ruling, in June 2004, by the Connecticut Supreme Court on his challenge to a legislative subpoena

Forum: Secrecy, Intimacy, and Workable Rules: Justice Sotomayor Stakes Out the Middle Ground in United States v. Jones

to extended twenty-four-hour GPS monitoring, the grand jury subpoena for historical information seems rather tame. Subpoenas seeking several months

The De Facto Reporter’s Privilege

In re Taylor, 193 A.2d 181, 185 (Pa. 1963) (holding that the “public welfare will be … Id. at 678. This May subpoena was the third one issued

Forum: Why Rely on the Fourth Amendment To Do the Work of the First?

that each witness may resist a subpoena on the ground that too many witnesses have been called.”); In re Grand Jury Proceedings: Subpoenas Duces Tecum

Dodd-Frank Is a Pigouvian Regulation

Taylor, 193 A.2d 181, 185 (Pa. 1963) (holding that the “public welfare will be … Id. at 678. This May subpoena was the third one issued. Caldwell was

Separation-of-Powers Avoidance

Congress’s subpoena power to congressional standing, this Article documents and models separation-of-powers avoidance. It explores how courts have dug

Forum: Apple and the American Revolution: Remembering Why We Have the fourth Amendment

email as overbroad and in violation of the Fourth Amendment and further describing a subpoena’s recipient’s ability to move to quash a subpoena before

The Un-Territoriality of Data

the government, the subpoena power thus provides the appropriate frame of reference. Second, the government draws on rules governing subpoenas, which