Results for 'the cost of cigarettes'
Police Reform and the Dismantling of Legal Estrangement
community-based organizations help channel resources to under-resourced neighborhoods, those resources may come at the cost of democratic accountability). See
Tailoring Regimes for a Designer Drug: Developing Civil Liability for Retailers of Synthetic Marijuana
Century of Cigarettes, 41 Conn. L. Rev. 561, 564 (2008) (describing the public health goals of toxic tort litigation). See generally City Ordinances
Forum: The New Public Nuisance: Illegitimate and Dysfunctional
distribution of cigarettes is a public nuisance, or that the production and distribution of fossils fuels is a public nuisance, or that the manufacture
Forum: Justice Sotomayor and Criminal Justice in the Real World
the dispute was over the question of whether considering it would come at too great a cost to clarity. Whereas Justice Alito wrote in his dissent
Forum: The Punishment Bureaucracy: How to Think About “Criminal Justice Reform”
physical wellness activities. The punishment bureaucracy does not ask if these causes of “crime” might be ameliorated without the human cost of
Forum: Antitrust’s High-Tech Exceptionalism
operations of markets. As the marginal cost of digital products fell to zero, prices would follow, “making way for an entirely new way of organizing
Forum: What It Takes to Write Statutes that Hold the Firearms Industry Accountable to Civil Justice
harm from unlawful use of firearms. Admittedly, civil-liability judgments might increase the cost of purchasing firearms or lead to lower profit
The President and Immigration Law Redux
a boon for the rule of law. But clarity can come at a cost. Critics of the Obama initiatives worry that the very predictability of enforcement—or
Which Way To Nudge? Uncovering Preferences in the Behavioral Age
large tax on x or y would not be a nudge because its effect on people’s choices would result from the imposition of a neoclassical cost. In contrast
Amazon’s Antitrust Paradox
of the concept of entry barriers. An entry barrier is a cost that must be borne by a firm seeking to enter an industry but is not carried by firms