The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'ukraine'

Evidence-Based Transitional Justice: Incorporating Public Opinion into the Field, with New Data from Iraq and Ukraine

Yale Law Journal - Evidence-Based Transitional Justice: Incorporating Public Opinion into the Field, with New Data from Iraq and Ukraine Evidence

Forum: Open Source Evidence on Trial

high-quality reports presenting compelling evidence about chemical weapon deployment in Syria and Russian involvement in Ukraine. Importantly, those

Forum: The End of Asylum Redux and the Role of Law School Clinics

of pathways for certain foreign nationals to enter the United States—namely, those from Ukraine, Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela who already

Jurisdiction and Applicable Law Under UNCLOS

pending and future UNCLOS disputes implicating Article 293(1), including the high-profile case of Ukraine v. Russia. This Comment is organized as follows

Forum: Manufactured Emergencies

plan to use foreign aid to extort another country, Ukraine, into providing fodder to use against his political rivals betrays a contemptuous view of

Insider, Outsider, Robert A. Burt

orphan. She came alone to this country from the Ukraine. She was young, with no prospects, no family here. From the government’s perspective, she was

Why Have We Criminalized Aggressive War?

Donetsk and Russian involvement in Ukraine). Although Ukraine’s leaders were lauded for their restraint in refraining from using force in Crimea at the

Early Release in International Criminal Law

Seppälä, Imprisonment and Penal Policy in Finland, in 54 Scandinavian Studies in Law 3… The five states are Albania, Slovakia, Sweden, Ukraine, and the

Forum: The Insidious War Powers Status Quo

defense of a foreign nation, like Ukraine, that was the victim of aggression. Actual unit self-defense—the ability of a commander or individual soldier to

From Child Protection to Children’s Rights: Rethinking Homosexual Propaganda Bans in Human Rights Law

lithuania-blocks-attempt-%E2%80%98gay-propaganda%E2%80%99-ban060813; and Ukraine Moves Toward Gay Propaganda Law, RIANovosti