The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'voluntary cessation'

Forum: The Point Isnt Moot: How Lower Courts Have Blessed Government Abuse of the Voluntary-Cessation Doctrine

The Yale Law Journal - Forum: The Point Isnt Moot: How Lower Courts Have Blessed Government Abuse of the Voluntary-Cessation Doctrine The Point Isnt

Olmstead v. L.C. and the Voluntary Cessation Doctrine: Toward a More Holistic Analysis of the "Effectively Working Plan"

Yale Law Journal - Olmstead v. L.C. and the Voluntary Cessation Doctrine: Toward a More Holistic Analysis of the Effectively Working Plan Olmstead v

Nicholas R. Reaves

defendants? This Essay argues that a strong voluntary-cessation doctrine is important to protecting individual rights and explains why—based on both precedent and ...

Joseph C. Davis

This Essay argues that a strong voluntary-cessation doctrine is important to protecting individual rights and explains why—based on both precedent and policy—government and ...

Forum: Ordering Conduct Yet Evading Review: A Simple Step Toward Preserving Federal Supremacy

lived nature. The second exception to mootness, called “voluntary cessation,” arises to preclude defendants from escaping judicial review by changing

Federal Courts

defendants be able to more easily moot a case than private defendants? This Essay argues that a strong voluntary-cessation doctrine is important to protecting

Forum: How (Not) To Bring an Affirmative-Action Challenge

recognizing the “voluntary cessation” exception); see also infra Section V.B (discussing the “capable of repetition, yet evading review” exception with


able to more easily moot a case than private defendants? This Essay argues that a strong voluntary-cessation doctrine is important to protecting

Forum: Against Bankruptcy: Public Litigation Values Versus the Endless Quest for Global Peace in Mass Litigation

Plaintiffs’… Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy, In re Mallinckrodt PLC, No. 20-12522… Adam Liptak, Arizona Files Novel Lawsuit in

Duties Owed: Low-Intensity Cyber Attacks and Liability for Transboundary Torts in International Law

only deem low-intensity cyber attacks wrongful, but would also entitle injured states to seek cessation of the offense, reparation, assurances of non