The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'yale university license plate'


Charles Black’s Impeachment: A Handbook has become the authoritative guide on the subject of presidential impeachment. This year, the Yale University

Machine Testimony

incoming and outgoing phone numbers to a cell phone; license plate readers; graphs of DNA test runs, purporting to show which genetic markers or “alleles

Professional Speech

Tribe; and participants in workshops at Columbia Law School, University of North Carolina School of Law, Wayne State University Law School, Yale Law


guide on the subject of presidential impeachment. This year, the Yale University Press published a new edition of the classic, incorporating new

The New Public

requirements. As an everyday occurrence, police stop and examine vehicles when license plates or inspection stickers have expired, or if other violations, such

Forum: Backdoor Municipal Immunity

license plate and saw that the car’s owner had an outstanding warrant but could tell Stewart was too young to be the owner. Officer Catalani also saw

Constitutional Law in an Age of Proportionality

arbitrarily detained or imprisoned.” In Aucoin, a Canadian police officer made a traffic stop because of a license plate irregularity; on questioning

Will Putting Cameras on Police Reduce Polarization?

us unambiguously and definitively what happened. author. Yale Law School, J.D. candidate; Yale University Department of Psychology, Ph.D. candidate. I

Campus Sexual Assault Adjudication and Resistance to Reform

for example, proposed that sex offenders be required to use neon green license plates to identify themselves more consistently in public, subjecting

Forum: Beyond the Box: Safeguarding Employment for Arrested Employees

liability. In one instance, a BDS client was suspended from his job as a custodian for allegedly using an improper license plate—even though the charges