Yale Law Journal Public Interest Fellowship Essays
This Collection features Essays from the 2023-2024 Yale Law Journal Public Interest Fellows. The Fellows share reflections on their experiences working in public service at Legal Action Chicago and the National Center for Law and Economic Justice.
A New “Plan for Transformation”: Improving Living Conditions in Chicago’s Public Housing
Public housing suffers from disinvestment, and, today, many residents live in substandard conditions. By combining the literature on public-housing history and tenant-rights law with the lived experiences of public-housing residents, this Essay uses Chicago as a case study to explore litigation and …
New Technologies, Old Rights: Litigating Public-Benefits Modernization
This Essay explores public-benefits agencies’ increasing reliance on technology and remote services and its impact on welfare-rights litigation. The Essay argues that the lack of direct regulation of these practices threatens benefits access. However, creative impact litigation is still a powerful t…