The Yale Law Journal

Results for 'The'

Barbarians Inside the Gates: Raiders, Activists, and the Risk of Mistargeting

means that raiders are less likely to mistarget firms underperforming by only a slight margin, and they are less able to shift the costs of their

Gangs in the Military

Yale Law Journal - Gangs in the Military

Forum: The Stakes of the Supreme Court’s Pro-Corruption Rulings in the Age of Trump: Why the Supreme Court Should Have Taken Judicial Notice of the Post-January 6 Reality in Percoco

in the Supreme Court’s 2023 decision in Percoco, there is a similar unspeakable thing unspoken: namely, the corrupt actions of then-President Trump

The Solicitor General of the United States: Tenth Justice or Zealous Advocate?

Yale Law Journal - The Solicitor General of the United States: Tenth Justice or Zealous Advocate?

Judicial Review, the Congressional Process, and the Federalism Cases: An Interdisciplinary Critique

Yale Law Journal - Judicial Review, the Congressional Process, and the Federalism Cases: An Interdisciplinary Critique

Forum: A Procedural Rule and a Substantive Problem: Legislative Hawks and the Concentration of Power in Georgia’s Speaker of the House

bargaining process is at the “core of exercising political power.” When representatives lack political power, they lack the means by which to represent their

Forum: Good and Bad Patient Involvement: Implementing the Patient-Involvement Provisions of the 21st Century Cures Act at the FDA

legitimately affect the approval process in the eteplirsen and flibanserin cases, there is little doubt that it played a significant role in their

Forum: Taxing the Bandit Kings

sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) has occasioned a debate over the appropriate regulatory and tax treatment of these funds. In particular, it has been argued that

Neutralizing the Atmosphere

—typically around 2050—that any carbon they emit will be counterbalanced by capturing an equal amount of carbon out of the atmosphere. Collectively, these

Executive Defiance and the Deportation State

arbitrary and capricious and, therefore, invalid. Many observers expected that the Court’s ruling had restored the prerescission DACA policy, thereby